Thursday, September 2, 2010


Oh wool how I love thee. There is something about the soft squishyness of wool that tickles my soul. The beautiful colours it can become makes me swoon. My goal in life is to have a wall of wool. Big square shelves full to the brim with gorgeousness. A places to go and be inspired, taking away all the shit from the world and being left with the possibilities. Can you tell I'm slightly mad about the stuff?

My latest plan is to learn to spin. I got me a wheel and I'm ready to go. There is something so awfully satisfying about the idea of spinning and dying fibre and turning it into some fabulous creation to be loved forever. My lovely spinning wheel appeared as if by magic as soon as the desire began to grow. I do not know how to spin but I am determined to become absolutely fabulous at it and have fun along the way!